Thursday 25 July 2013

Korean Business Culture & Meetings

     Societal Context
  • Follow The Confucian mind-set 
  • Respect people of higher rank or age
  • Strong sense of loyalty towards
  • Has its own alphabet , hangul , consisting of 24 written characters ( 10 vocals and 19 consonants)
     Dress Code
  • Suit and tie is mandatory for business meeting
    Business Card
  •  Essential to bring business cards when having a meeting
  •  Omitting to present the business card or giving an excuse is counted as an insult and disrespect
  •  Presented after handshake or small bows
  •  Received it with both hand or with one hand supporting the giving/receiving hand about the wrist or a bit behind 
  •  If one or more card is received, they should be placed on the table so that all cards can be visible.

  • Koreans are impatient and make emotional, spontaneous decisions
  • Be aware that a signed agreement, from a Korean point of view, will not always be considered an obligating agreement (starting point for further negotiation)
  •  Even though Koreans want to see fast results, we cannot be too aggressive
  •  Maintaining mutual trust and confidence in a business relationship is extremely valuable
  •  Business partners should take the time to get acquainted in a relaxed and informal context (lunch, dinner & drinks)

     Meeting Etiquette
  • Shake hands with expatriates after the bow
  • Most senior person initiates the handshake
  • The person who initiates the bow says, "man-na-suh-pan-gop-sumnida", which means "pleased  to meet you.''
  • Wait to be introduced at a social meeting/gathering
  • When leaving a social meeting, say goodbye and bow to each other respectively
                                  Both managers shake hands after agreeing on a negotiation.

                                   Both sided has finally made an agreement on a negotiation.

                         Both sides are pleased and happy with the negotiation that was made.

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